2d Design

This is Roxy,she is made of 3 Hexagons,2 Trapezoids,4 Rhombuses,2 Triangles and 2 Squares.



S-step away

T-tell an adult

O-okay sites first

P-pause and think online

Super Digital Citizen

My name is Super Protector.

I can see inside walls from the outside because I want to see if people are doing the right thing.Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 11.28.31 AM


My hero!

top secret folder

My top secret folder contains a list of the ten things I will
not share online without my parents permission. They are
my full name, a photo of myself, my address, my phone
number, the school I attend, my email address, my
passwords, where my parents work, my mother’s maiden
name, and my plans.