Hey Guys!!!

Whats up guys!!!Just a little update on what i’m doing at school,right now i am hangin with my friend Chayton,he is a cool guy if you get to meet him.Thanks!!!byyyyyyeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Why I Want To Live In Plymouth

I would love to live in plymouth because I don’t care about money,i care about freedom.They also have to provide resorces with other things,such as animals for food,the water from the ocean for,well,water and maybe bark and leaves for shelter.So,what do you think?Would you want to live in Plymouth?Why or why not?My mom always says “do stuff … Continue reading Why I Want To Live In Plymouth

A Scary Night

Scarlet Darkmoon,a vampire,and her little sister,Luna Darkmoon,a ghost,were walking in an abandoned school at midnight.Luna was only there to help Scarlet find something,her diary.Apparently at the abandoned school they went to,a new student stole Scarlet’s diary and never gave it back.”Whats his name Scar???”Scar was a nickname Luna had given Scarlet.”I believe his name was … Continue reading A Scary Night

9-11 Reflections

Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/911pics/7835970928 What i’ve learned about 9-11 is: That a lot of people died during the attack.That there were many people who risked their lives for others.Almost 4,000 people died. Most of the people that died where on planes/in the twin towers.A lot of people on the planes had to jump out for safety.That people … Continue reading 9-11 Reflections

Hey Everyone!!!

Hey guys!!!Just a little update,I will be trying to get on my blog at home so I can keep up with you lovely people! I really love the guys and girls that get on my blog and comment though i don’t have any ._________..What I’m doing this week end iiiiiiiis- I’m gonna draw in my sketch … Continue reading Hey Everyone!!!

My Fifth Grade Life

Fifth grade is awesome so far!!!!Fifth grade,where do i start,1:the teachers are awesome.2:i’ve always wanted to be in fifth grade!I am really looking forward to science.It is my favorite subject after all.My mom said we would be looking at the insides of animals too!!!But not so much in math.I mean Mrs.Ummel and Mrs.Brantley are nice.I’m just not … Continue reading My Fifth Grade Life